Step into the magical realm of Barrio Banak, where legendary heroes come to life in the enchanting 'Ang Regalo ni Kaimana' show at Christmas by the Lake in the Lakeshore area of Barangay Lower Bicutan, Taguig City.

For those already acquainted with the tales of Barrio Banak, you'll be delighted to know that the legendary heroes have stepped out of folklore and onto the stage, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates audiences of all ages.

If you haven't yet experienced the magic, now's your chance to be part of this extraordinary journey.

The show unfolds every 30 minutes from 6 pm onwards, turning your Sunday Funday into a magical adventure filled with wonder and excitement.

'Ang Regalo ni Kaimana' isn't just a show; it's a celebration of culture, folklore, and the spirit of giving. The characters from Barrio Banak, brought to life with vibrant costumes and spirited performances, deliver a heartfelt message that resonates with the essence of the holiday season.

As you gather by the lakeshore, surrounded by the festive ambiance of Christmas by the Lake, immerse yourself in the free entertainment that 'Ang Regalo ni Kaimana' provides. It's a gift to the community, a shared experience that creates lasting memories for everyone in attendance.

Bring your family and friends to witness the captivating storytelling and immersive performances that transport you to a world where heroes, legends, and enchantment converge.


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